
Week 4 - Fourth of July Festivities

Here we are week 4, and as ultimately expected I did gain for the week.  The last couple days were so out of control, and reigning them back in was not happening.  I had a 3 lbs gain this week! Yikes!!  But I shed 2 just by sticking to my plan and eating better.  Let's hope this week shows some progress. I have my menu plan at the ready - thanks to 5 dinners in an hour . Now we just need to clear out the fridge and get the shopping. I finally finished my Sherlock Virtual Race 22.1 mi, which I started May 12.  We were working out at the gym 3 days a week, but stopped due to the pool opening and summer vacation starting.  So I had 3 miles that needed finished, and I finally completed them.   I did manage to monitor the veggie fruit intake this week, and did end up adding some more, not enough but better.  I'm good with the water - I live on the stuff.  I'm hoping the rain slows a little so we can get out and walk in the evenings a little more, it's a challenge to dodge s

Week 3: Last Half Anyway!

So for the last 1/2 of week 2 and the first 1/2 of week 3 the middle kid and I were traveling.  I missed my weigh in, but weighed when I got home and was down 2.0 lbs.  So I took that as the start of week 3.   A very pleasant surprise since we were traveling and very out of our element, relying on convenience food (a.k.a. fast food, and whatever others were providing for us.)  I mean seriously donuts for breakfast don't qualify as healthy.  But it meant a reasonable amount of walking (no car), a lot of bad food and very little water (even my meds were complaining!) I did not manage to even stay in the points range, though I did eat salads and tried to be as healthy as I could on most days.  No fruit was consumed in our travel this week and water was hard to come by. The rest of this week will be spent guzzling water, chowing on veggies and fruit, hopefully exercise, and getting back into tracking. I'm not mad at my choices, they were what they were and they were the best I c

Week 2: and Travel

Weighed in 4.0 lbs less than the same time last week.  I will miss Week 3 weigh in, because I'll be out of town, so next weigh-in post will likely the start of Week 4. Successful week, though I collapsed and burned on Wednesday.  We decided to hit a fast food place and I figured I could keep it under control but I just kept spiralling.  Felt guilty but then decided that I would get right back on track the next day to minimize the damage. One of my challenges at the moment is we love to eat out at lunch.  My kids are homeschooled and some days it's nice to change pace and do something completely different - so we opted to eat out most Mondays.  Those Mondays lead to Wednesdays and Fridays thrown in for ease of use.   Because Monday's are the favourite place, I have planned and budgeted for those days to work with my goals, still need some finessing, but I will focus on retraining the rest of the week, and save money too! We didn't get a lot of walking in this week.  I&#

Week 1: Here we go!

So I weighed in Sunday Morning, this will be my weigh in day. Weight not disclosed yet. I have all the tools I need lined up to get this week rolling. I have my points calculator, I have my spreadsheet and paper food diary, I have my walking buddy in the form of my 11 yr old, who has the energy level of an untamed Husky! The trick for me for this week will be seeing where my food choices really take me, and work everything into my budgeted points.  I don't really expect to lose anything this week, as I have to juggle food issues - like no dairy, no beef and super light on the grains - so kind of a clean eating style. I still have to go shopping for the week, too.  Which I think will be my Tuesday task. Goals for the week : plan a menu with WW Pts. add veggies add fruit grocery shop exercise drink the water count my points - count everything  be nice to myself A little more about me.  I have been treadmill running since July 2015.  Prior to this, I was an avid walke